Identify a topic of interest in your market: Things are always changing, new management trends, new spending, new technology. Just listen to other people’s conversations and see what is interesting people
Set your goals for a piece on that topic: We aren’t creating content just to create content, typically we are creating it to:
Have an excuse to engage a partner or customer in the creation
Build your credibility
Build your audience
Re-use in RFI or RFP responses
Decide what you want to say: You can create a piece that just describes what is happening, but if you want people to engage you usually need a point of view on what is happening, or add something new to the conversation.
Choose a type of content that allows you to achieve your goals: This isn’t hard but make sure the format you are choosing supports your goals. For example:
You want an excuse to engage partners and customers: Then an article where you can ask for a quote, or a podcast interview where they talk about the topic might be good, but running a survey or analyzing and publishing data on the topic might not give you the same engagement opportunities
Building credibility: People love data, and if you take the time to find public data, or create data (e.g. run a survey), and then analyze it, or if you write long content people will assume you are a serious credible practitioner in the space
Build your audience: People don’t like to read, but if you put out quick “snack-able” content in infographics or videos it can grow your audience
Plan and Write: We write a lot and we follow the second grade writing approach.
Start with an outline
Put bullets for the major things you want to say
Add sub-bullets for the supporting ideas under each major bullet
Then turn the outline into a draft
The edit
Publish: This might be the most important step.
Think about where your audience hangs our (usually LinkedIn)
Think about when to publish (what day, what time of day)
If you are posting on social media who will you tag in the post
Engage: If someone likes or comments on your content engage back
Track: Week track of your engagement stats (LinkedIn does a great job creating these for you)
How FedScout supports your Marketing
FedScout has tools to help you organize and manage your content creation process