SAM Step 1: Core Data (~7min)

Now that:
1) You have a account
2) Your company is in SAM
3) You’re associated with your company
4) You have have a UEID
It’s time to get your CAGE code and complete your SAM registration

Go to and login:

Screen 1: Business Information

Entity Start Date: This is the date the you started your company (typically the date you registered your company with the IRS)
Fiscal Year End Close Date: This is the date you use for tax purposes.  If you have an accountant ask them, If you don’t have an accountant we recommend using Dec. 31st. You can change this date later.
Entity Division Name: If your company has multiple operating units you can list it here, but if you are a new business leave this blank
Entity Division Number: Same as Entity Division Name
Entity URL: If you have a website you can add it
Congressional District: SAM populates this for you
Create MPIN: Create a password and write it down, you will use it on the next screen and each year when you renew your SAM registration

Mailing Address: Where you want official mail sent, typically this is the same as the physical address
NOTE: If you use a co-working or shared office make sure to add your office number

Taxpayer Identification Number: You should have gotten this when you registered with the IRS

Screen 2: IRS Consent

Taxpayer Name: The name of the company as written on your IRS registration
TaxYear: The last year you paid corporate taxes.  If you are a new business put this year
Name & Title of Individual Executing Consent: Your name and title
Signature: The MPIN you created on the last screen

Screen 3: CAGE code

CAGE Code: If this is your first time registering select “No,” if you are renewing your registration presumably you will select “Yes”

Screen 4: Ownership Details

Explanation: The government doesn’t want large businesses incorporating a bunch of small businesses that they own/control. If you aren’t sure follow the logic steps below:

Screen 5: Predecessor details

Explanation: The government doesn’t want people to hide a previous company’s bad behavior by incorporating a new company and moving the old company’s assets to the new one

Screen 6: General information

Country of Incorporation: Typically this is the US
Entity Security Level: Does your company have a clearance? As a new business the answer is probably “None”
Employee Security Level: If an owner/employee has a clearance list the highest one
Institution Type: Review the list, most businesses put “Not Applicable”

Disadvantaged business: You may qualify for this designation but if you haven’t gotten the designation from a State certifier then put No
Native American Entity Type: You may qualify for this designation but if you haven’t gotten the designation from the Feds leave this blank and fill it in once you’ve gotten the designation

Organizational factors: What sort of company are you? LLC? S-Corp? other?
Entity Structure: Are you a company, government agency or other type of organization
Profit Structure: Review your articles of incorporation, state and IRS registrations and select whether you are a for-profit or Non-profit (99% of companies that register in SAM are for-profit)
Socio-Economic Categories: You may qualify for one or more designations but if you haven’t gotten the designation from the Feds leave this blank and fill it in once you’ve gotten the designation

Screen 7: Financial information

Do you accept Credit cards: The government can buy low cost product and services with a purchase cards (like a credit card).  If you want to accept those purchases click “Yes.”
New Account: Enter the bank payment information (you may need to call your bank/have a check ready to copy information from)

Screen 8: Executive Compensation

Explanation: The government wants to know if you are a “government contractor” e.g. a company that makes most of its money from federal sales, and makes a lot of money in federal sales, and if so they want to know how much the company’s leadership is making

Screen 9: Proceedings Questions

Explanation: Certain government contracts require that the company report on their activities and performance.  If you are a new vendor this clause does not apply

Explanation: Certain government contracts require that the company report on their activities and performance.  If you are a new vendor this clause does not apply

Explanation: Certain government contracts require that the company report on their activities and performance.  If you are a new vendor this clause does not apply

Screen 10: Review Core Data

Review the data entered and if it is correct click “Save and Continue” then go on to the next page of the SAM registration