Woman Owned: The Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) set-aside is available if 50% of the company is owned by one or more women
Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned: To qualify for the Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) set-aside the business owners must have also economic disadvantage:
Each woman has a personal net worth less than $750,000
Each woman made $350,000 or less in adjusted gross income averaged over the previous three years
Each woman has $6 million or less in personal assets
Limits on which contracts can be WOSB/EDWOSB set-asides: An unusual feature of the WOSB/EDWOSB set-aside is that only contract for work where woman have been historically underrepresented can be set-aside. For a list of which NAICS codes qualify for WOSB/EDWOSB see the spreadsheet in the Class Materials.
WOSB and EDWOSB core data
WOSB spending target: Government agencies have a 5% spending target with ED/WOSBs so:
5% of prime award spending should go to WOSB
5% of subcontract spending should go to WOSB
Sole Source Limit: WOSB can receive sole-source contracts up to:
$7M for manufacturing contracts
$4.5M for other contracts
Estimated number of WOSB & EDWOSB:
WOSB: 14,000 companies
EDWOSB: 5,000 companies
ED/WOSB spending v. Target (%)
ED/WOSB spending by agency ($M)
ED/WOSB spending by products ($M)
ED/WOSB spending by services ($M)
For the full data analysis download the excel spreadsheet in the class materials section