Types of grants: These tend to be smaller ($150K-$1,5M) grants aimed at for-profits companies
NOTE: Technically not all SBIRs are grants. However, even the SBIRs that are not grants operate like grants so we will use the word “grant” here
Our two cents:
Amazing program
We funded a lot of FedScout with SBIRs
Not a bad website
Searching in SBIR.gov
Keyword: Just what it sounds like, search for SBIR’s with your keyword
Agency: The government agency sponsoring this grant
Phase:The SBIR program is broken up into Phase 1 and Phase 2. Typically you have to complete Phase 1 before applying for Phase 2 but there are exceptions
Program: There are two flavors of SBIR
SBIR: An SBIR is a grant to a for-profit company to conduct research
STTR: An STTR is a grant to a for-profit company partnered with a research institution to conduct research
Year: If you want to see past SBIRs you can do that
Understanding the grants on SBIR.gov
Agency:The government agency sponsoring this grant
Branch: The Sub-agency sponsoring the grant
Program: SBIR or STTR
Phase: Phase I or II
Year: The fiscal year
Solicitation #: Unique identifier (should align with SAM.gov)
Topic #: Unique identifier used by the agency
Release Date: The date the topic was published
Open Date: The date the government will begin accepting proposals
Application due date: When proposals are due. Some agencies have multiple due dates listed. This is because the government anticipates multiple solution intakes
Close date: When this topic is no longer open
Description: An overview of the research the government intends to fund