Types of grants: These tend to be large grants aimed at universities and non-profit research centers, but some smaller grants do pop out here
Agencies: All government agencies use Grants.gov
Our two cents: Grants.gov is still rocking a 2001 vibe, but as ugly as it is, it gets the job done
Searching in Grants.gov
Keyword: What is sounds like, find grants related to something you care about
Opportunity number/CFDA: Two coding systems to find specific grants you care about
Status: Is the grant currently accepting proposals, is it forecasted to come out, what’s happening with it
Funding Instrument type: The contractual mechanism to be used (see our class on contract types for more info)
Eligibility:Who can apply for the grants
Category: The grant’s topic area
Agency: Who released the grant
Understanding grants on Grants.gov
Document Type: Typically this is a Grant notice
Funding Opportunity Number: This grant’s unique identifier
Funding Opportunity Title: Overview of the work
Opportunity Category: What kind of work is anticipated under the grant
Opportunity Category Explanation: If the category needs explanation
Funding Instrument Type: The contracting mechanism to be used for the grants
Category of Funding Activity: Similar to the Category this describes the type of work
Category Explanation: If an explanation is needed
Expected Number of Awards: How many winners there will be
CFDA Number(s): Another unique identifier
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Does the winner have to split some of the costs of the work or will the government pay for it all
Version: How many versions (edits) have there been
Posted Date: When the grants for first published
Last Updated Date: Date of last modification
Original Closing Date for Applications: Original date applications were due
Current Closing Date for Applications: Current date applications are due
Archive Date: Like with SAM.gov I don’t know why this is included
Estimated Total Program Funding: The total amount of money available to fund recipients. Take this number and divide by the Expected Number of Awards to get the amount each winner is likely to receive
Award Ceiling: The maximum amount a winner will get under this award
Award Floor: The least amount a winner will get under this award
Version history: Allows you to see older versions of this
Related Documents: Typically these documents give detailed instructions about the grant and how to apply
Package: Instructions on how to propose a solution
Eligibility: What kinds of organizations can apply (e.g. nonprofits, local governments, etc)
Additional Information: Any additional information the government wants to provide
Contact information: The points of contact for this grant