Draft Email: Explore Responding on an RFI/RFP

It’s your company’s resume

  • What is it: Your capability statement is one page, front and back, that provides all of the most important information about your company
  • Why it’s important: Collaborating (teaming, partnering, etc) is a science and an art.
    • The art: The core of a teaming relationship is complimentary capabilities and goals, and the capability statement should give prospective collaborators enough information to decide whether it is worth having a full conversation.
    • The science: Winning government contracts is 60% a box checking exercise, and your capability statement should make it clear what boxes you check

The core elements of your capability statement

  • Company name
  • Your service/product lines
  • Your customers
  • Examples of work you have done
  • Your NAICS codes
  • Your set-asides
  • Contact information

Template capability statement

Example capability statement

Rants and Reflections

My unscripted thoughts after coaching hundreds of small government contractors over the last 10 years

Other resources

SAM.gov (Individual contract checks)

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List of further reading

Video Transcript(s):

Odds are that your first contract will be as a sub to another small business, so you need to find small businesses you could work with, and start building relationships with them.

And, FedScout makes this easy. Click on the partner button below and FedScout will show you all the small businesses in your industry that have won work at one of your selected sub-agencies.

And if you’ve uploaded your linkedin connections we'll do our best to identify people you know at each small business.

And like with customers, select the companies and the people that you want to target and we’ll add them to your relationship manager.